Monday, September 13, 2010

interview: Alien Space Bats

hey guys,
here's a bit about Alien Space Bats, in case you didn't know them already...
i'm referring to the Australian band, of course. they answered my questions in a good old paragraph, just the way i like it. [[dude, their first 3 influences are: the pixies, radiohead, and smashing pumpkins]]. only my three favourite bands! 
[[i can't really single any band i listen to down to favourites, it's just too hard]]
from john, of Alien Space Bats:

I would say we are quite influenced by 90s rock music and can see a little of that projecting into our sound. It is still a
pretty new thing but i guess basically i would describe it as rock n roll. Touring and playing shows all over has always been
something I would love to try with the band, so hopefully in 2-5 years time we can be doing that, but who knows maybe it'll be rehab
and writing albums in prison hahaha. We have all been playing some kind of musical instrument for quite a number of years, but i started
drumming ~8ish years ago. Our Bassist Tim came up with the name for the band, I think it came about from some readings? I don't really have a good story
for the name, it's kind of a mystery to me hahaha.
I am really into dance and eletronic music, so going raving is always a bit of fun. But music is probably my biggest hobbie.

i hope you can decipher this and see the questions i asked.
i'm free! i'm done done done with all my work! until final yearlies come up next term, but that doesn't matter, because for now, i'm done! can't explain the freedom i'm feeling right now.
nothing's changed though, i'm still sleep deprived. ahhhh, spring, i love you.
oh, that reminds me, i need to:

  1. get my photos developed
  2. get my camp gear ready
  3. get a disposable camera for camp, which means i'll have all my photos on funky film which looks totally awesome! i'm rather fond of disposables...
  4. clean my room
  5. just a random though... ever get that feeling you're starting to hoard too much, but you don't want to throw anything away?


Grumpy old man said...

Hi, thanks for dropping by, hope your day is great.

kiss me quick said...

oh how lovely, thanks for the link! Will be back here for sure ^^

xxx kissmequick

Ana Larruy said...

You have such a lovely blog! Very very nice! I'll be checking it out!! Have a look at my blog and follow it if you like it!! :)
take care, xxx

Ana Larruy said...

By the way, I'm following you :)

Jaymie said...

your blog is lovely :)
great little interview.

{ felicity } said...

there's a tag on my blog for you.


Unknown said...

Great interview, congratulations for your blog!
Now I'm swiming in my blog I invite you all!!